The present general conditions arrange the conditions and terms to use, later referred to shortly as the website.
The website is managed by Transnational Social Services, later referred to shortly as the operator. When necessary you can contact us through the following e-mail:
Through using the website the user agrees to the following general conditions. If you do not agree to them you can abstain from using the website.
1. Intellectual Property
1.1 All rights on the intellectual property regarding the informational resources and the content of the website are exercised by the operator. They are protected by the Copyright Law and the related legislation and every use of the website content without the operator’s consent is a violation which can be followed by civil, administrative -penal or penal responsibility.
1.2 When copying or copyright of information out of the limitations, as well as all other violations of intellectual property on the resources of the operator, the operator has the right to claim compensation for direct or indirect damages in full amount.
2. Limitation of responsibility
2.1 The operator undertakes the needed measures to maintain the content of the website up to date but is not responsible for the real actuality of the latter. In such regard the operator is not responsible for damages, including direct or indirect damages and lost profit, that the user of the website has endured under any circumstances related to the published content of the website and the access to the latter. Utilizing the website, the users take all risks related to this, including all risks for the end user devices, software or user data.
2.2 As far as the content of the website contains links to content positioned out of the site, the user is aware of the fact that the operator has no control over such content and is not responsible for the consequences of the activated links leading out of the website.
The operator is not responsible for harmful actions on behalf of a third party, an object of which the user may become utilizing the website. The user utilizes the website on their own responsibility.
3. Registration of users
3.1 The operator keeps the right to submit part of the website’s content only to users that have registered an user account on the website. Such content, limited solely to registered users, subsequently needs to be designated as such at any moment on behalf of the operator.
3.2 When creating a user profile the user agrees that the operator will process their personal data according to the rules of the personal data protection policy published on the website.
4. Using the website
4.1 As far as the operator has provided a possibility for users to upload content on the website, the latter should not upload defamatory, uncensored, offensive, pornographic or in any other way illegal or immoral content.
4.2 The users should use the website conscientiously including not to take ill-intentioned actions that can reflect on the accessibility of the content to third parties or using the website altogether.
5. Others
5.1 The operator keeps the right to change the current general conditions as seen fit and at any moment the current conditions for using the website will be published on it.
5.2 On all questions, unregulated by the general conditions and terms, are applied the regulations of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
These general conditions are prepared with the help of