Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU-Citizens to the German Help System

14 February 2023 | 15 February 2023


Title: Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU-Citizens to the German Help System

Address: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Alexander Str. 1, 20099 Hamburg, room “Versammlungsstätte”

Date: 14 – 15 February 2023

Workshop Facilitator:
Sangeeta Fager (Diakonie Hamburg);
Dr. Chrsito Karabadjakov (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)

In the context of our Erasmus+ project “Transnational Social Services” we are organising a conference in Hamburg, Germany on “Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU Citizens to the German Social Welfare System”.
Diakonie Hamburg and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, as well as the Bulgarian-Romanian Institute for Cross-Border Mediation and the Institute for Population Research (IPHS) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Bulgaria cooperate in TSS project with the common goal to bring together institutions and experts from Bulgaria and Germany to exchange information on support needs and measures for mobile EU citizens and to promote the networking of counsellors.
The conference combines theoretical and practical questions on the context in which mobile immigrants move in Germany: legal framework, social policy, institutional responsibilities at regional and local level, daily practice and case studies that social workers encounter in Germany. The event raises the question of social services provision and development in a transnational context and what social workers need to know about each other for their counselling work.

Hybrid event: You can participate live in Hamburg or online via a link we will provide shortly before the event. The event is in Bulgarian with simultaneous German translation.

Programme: two day hybrid conference
Tuesday, 14 February 2023, morning: The social assistance system in the context of migration and the importance of the principle of subsidiarity as well as the history of migration in Germany (from labour recruitment in the 1960s to free movement within the EU).
Wednesday, 15 February 2023, morning: EU immigration, access of EU citizens to the assistance system, labour market, health care and education in Germany.


“Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU-Citizens to the German Help System”

14.02.2023, Tuesday

(CET, German Time)
9:00 – 9:15Welcome
9:15 – 9:30Opening of the conference “Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU Citizens to the German Help System”.
Sangeeta Fager (Diakonie Hamburg)
Dr. Christo Karabadjakov (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
9:35 – 10:00Presentation: Main benefits of social security – overcoming access barriers through social counselling
Prof. Dr. Harald Ansen (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
10:00 – 10:15Questions from the audience
10:20 – 10:50Presentation: Germany as a Country of Immigration – Between Recruitment and Deterrence
Dr. Marie-Therese Haj Ahmad (Society for Innovative Social Research and Social Planning – Gesellschaft für innovative Sozialforschung und Sozialplanung (GISS) e.V.) 
10:50 – 11:05Questions from the audience
11:05 -11:30Coffee and Tee Break
11:30 – 12:00Panel discussion:
Prof. Dr. Harald Ansen (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences),
Dr. Marie-Therese Haj Ahmad (Society for Innovative Social Research and Social Planning -GISS e.V.),
Peter Ogon (Diakonie Hamburg,),
Doz. Dr. Stoyanka Cherkezova (Institute for Population Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences),
Prof. Dr. Ilona Tomova (Institute for Population Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
12:00 -12:30Final discussion with the audience

15.02.2023, Wednesday

(CET, German Time)
9:00 – 9:15Welcome
9:15 – 9:30Opening and summary of the previous day
Sangeeta Fager (Diakonie Hamburg)
Dr. Christo Karabadjakov (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
9:30 – 10:00Presentation: EU freedom of movement without social security
Nina Behlau (Diakonie Hamburg, Head of Department Security of Livelihood)
10:00 – 10:30Presentation: “The situation of Eastern European workers on the Hamburg labour market with a special focus on Bulgarians”. Insight into the work of the Service Agency for the Free Movement of Workers
Lena Thombansen (Head of Servicestelle Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit Hamburg)
10:30 -11:00Coffee and Tee Break
11:00 – 11:30Presentation: Children and young people of the Turkish-speaking minority from Bulgaria and Romania in the German social and educational system using the example of Hamburg Wilhelmsburg
Gero Goroncy, CASEMIR bei BI Elbinseln gGmbH, Reiherstieg Counselling Centre, Head of Youth Welfare Division
11:30 -12:00Discussion
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Migration and Social Work in Germany: Access of EU-Citizens to the German Help System

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